
What is reST, RST, reStructuredText?

reStructuredText is a markup syntax, similar to markdown.

What is docutils?

docutils is a python package for parsing and publishing markup. The default docutils package supports reStructuredText. It can also be extended to parse markdown (e.g. myst-parser).

Django Docutils

Do I need this package to parse reStructuredText in Django?

No! docutils can always be used directly.

This package simply offers template extensions to use docutils in django views.

What does this package provide?

3 ways to render reStructuredText via docutils in Django:

  1. Template tag

  2. Template filter

  3. Class-based view

Can I copy code from this project to my own?

Yes! Go ahead, the project’s source is released under the MIT license - you are welcome to view the codebase and copy just what you need.